Not So Original

A wonderful image gallery powered by libapache2-mod-raii

WTF is NotSoOriginal ?

- NotSoOriginal is not O.R.I.G.I.N.A.L. (I borrowed Jimmac's graphics)

- NotSoOriginal is a bunch of C++ code lines to get your photos on the web.

- The aim of NotSoOriginal is to handle your directories of digital photos without extra files for comment and descriptions.

- Therefor you can put photographs in the directory with DAV or directly with your digital still camera/scanner.

- Preview and thumbnails are auto generated when you first hit a new or updated image.

- You can create albums and link photo to them - virtual directory and photos.

- You can create pass to grant acces to public to specifics directories

- It handles anonymous, granted and privileged users.

- You can configure your directories as public, private or hidden.

- View and download counts, Comment and description.

- All persisting stuffs are stored in one sqlite or PostgreSQL database.

- Automatic or processed raw conversion. It's a true digital laboratory which makes it possible to precisely develop you raw photographs.

- Lossless online photograph manipulation operators stacks which are saved in database.

- Pour les français, vous pouvez envoyer les photos qui vous plaisent chez PHOTO-SERVICE pour tirage

Live demo

a live demo is here


As you want, there is a source package and debian packages for i386 (also tested on MIPSel and PowerPC).

You will also need Prototype integration


If you want to try the image processing part of the gallery, don't forget to " make install " in prototype directory and to link raii_Prototype/htdocs/prototype to /prototype on the web server.

echo 'Alias /prototype /path/to/raii_Prototype/htdocs/prototype' >> /etc/apache2/conf.d/gallery.conf


Configuration variables are in /etc/apache2/conf.d/gallery.conf.

RaiiParameter "TMP" "/srv/raii/gallery"

Where to put preview/ and thumbnail/ directories

RaiiParameter "ROOT" "/home/porn/photos"

Where are your photographs

RaiiParameter "ShowSecured" "false"

Whether to show privates directories to unauthenticated users

RaiiParameter "ShowLocks" "false"

Whether to show private directory locks to unauthenticated users

RaiiParameter "AllowUserVDir" "false"

Whether to allow users to create albums

RaiiParameter "AdminShowPerms" "true"

Whether to display all icons (locks and ghost) when logged in as administrator

RaiiParameter "IncludeTop" "/path/to/a/file/on/hdd"

If not empty, include the specified file in the header of all gallery pages.

RaiiParameter "IncludeBottom" "/path/to/a/file/on/hdd"

If not empty, include the specified file in the footer of all gallery pages.

And then ?

# apache2ctl restart

And once you log in using the default admin account (passorwd is admin), you'll be able to create your real account.